Shadows of Adam

Shadows of Adam is a pretty cool little retro indie RPG. A full play through took me about 15 hours because the Switch version comes with the DLC dungeons. After going through those and getting a ton of levels the actual endgame was easy peasy. The DLC dungeons were tough as nails though. Not like stupid tough, but enemy groupsĀ  definitely needed some analysis of their patterns.

You have a set team of 4, each with their own roles. Only one healer so keep her healthy. You have your powerhouse, your utility, and your typical main character who can do a little of everything.

The story is your typical hero saves the world, stuff you’d normally see in a JRPG. It’s executed pretty well, with a few twists and turns. You won’t feel bored, even though it has some cliches. The writing is really great! I was chuckling out loud quite a few times. The humor is top notch.

The pixel artwork is fantastic. The music is great. Battle system is simple, but some enemies have strengths and weaknesses that you have to discover. In regards to the battle system, bosses are actually vulnerable to status effects, which is amazing. There’s nothing stand out about this, it’s all pretty classic JRPG styles. However, that’s what makes it so likable and charming. This game knows what it is, and does it well.

I paid full price for this at $15 and I’d say it’s worth that price. I really enjoyed it.
