Spider-Man Miles Morales

In what amounts to a lengthy DLC to 2018’s Spider-Man, is a fantastic continuation of that story. All of the same positives I came away with from the first game exist here as well: Great story and game play, fantastic presentation and an epic soundtrack. I will say that the action/story sequences in this title are not paced the same as the remaster. This game hits early and often with big story moments that occur in frequent succession.

This story has you playing as Miles Morales, a 17 year old high school student trying to find his way as a superhero. The story of the game is setup with Peter Parker leaving NYC to go on a work trip with MJ, to act as her photographer for a news story, and has left the reins of safeguarding the city in Miles’ hands. To act as a training mechanism in his absence, Peter has setup challenges throughout the city to get Miles familiar with his abilities. Keeping with the “new superhero” theme, Insomniac did a great job realizing the clumsy nature of the budding hero in training. As you sling your web from building to building, there is an obvious inexperience to Miles’ swing mechanics, which makes his character feel that much more believable. I don’t know if this was done on purpose, but it was a nice little touch nonetheless.

Because the story is faster paced than the first installment, it will easily grab a hold of you and keep you enthralled until the end. My only knock on this game was the fact that it really did feel like a DLC that simply became too large. There is a noticeable difference in the amount of side quests and things to do in this game compared to the first game. Even though I was able to complete this game in half the time, it is still very much worth it. I eagerly await the third installment! 9.2/10

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