Spider-Man Remastered

Having missed out on the original release of this title in 2018, I was excited to see what this game offered, especially with the enhancements the remaster offered.

The overall game feels like you’re actually playing a Marvel movie. The city is full of life, vibrant and a joy to explore and soak in. There is a picturesque quality to the entire aesthetic of the game that is breathtaking to swing through. The lighting/shadow effects (HDR), draw distance, texture work, particle effects and sound design all work together to create a visually stunning feast for the eyes and a believable game world to explore. The entire landscape of Manhattan is visible from anywhere you can perch high enough to get a good glimpse of it all, which adds to the depth and scale of the city. The musical transition from ground/rooftop to swinging through the city never gets old.

The combat is varied and can actually get as complicated as you want depending on how many of the various moves you choose to use and master. It’s frenetic but very satisfying and several of the encounters throughout the game offer a very real challenge and require a generous level of patience and stealth to pull off successfully. The story is incredibly paced and extremely well done. If you are a Marvel fan, you would be doing yourself a disservice by NOT playing this game just based on the story.

Content wise, the game offers PLENTY to do for side missions, which are completely optional, but do help build up your characters attributes. There’s enough there for the completionist to appreciate though and you’ll easily clock 30 hours or more if you want to 100% the game. There is also a very nice skill and gadget upgrade element in which you get to choose how and when to upgrade certain aspects of what you have available and what those skills will be. It allows you to shape your character based on your play style preference. You will eventually be able to max out Spider-Man in all facets of the gadget and skill trees, but in the early going, it gives a sense of customization based on your play style.

Overall, it’s easy to see why this game was given so many accolades in 2018 and was nominated for Game of the Year. It’s FANTASTIC. It really is. The story is great, the soundtrack is top notch and the overall quality shows with every step and web sling you make. You NEED to play this game if you are a Marvel fan.

This game is an easy 9.4/10.

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