Tales of Arise Demo

Wow. Just wow. This demo blew me away. I can hardly believe this is a Tales game. Typically Tales games are middle budget games, but this feels like a AAA title. 

The demo is heavy on the gameplay, very light on the story. It’s also very short, about 1 hour. 

First of all, it’s gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous. The music is so good too. Every track was a banger. Skits are back, and they’ve gotten a huge upgrade. It’s no longer just faces talking, there’s actual cut-ins with actual “acting” out of the events by the characters. Combat is fast, fluid, and most importantly… FUN.

Here’s my first attempt in capturing gameplay video for a review.

As you can see there’s a lot going on. I played on a higher difficulty, which requires a bit more than button mashing. You can see one moment where I do a perfect dodge to avoid damage and then dive back in for a hard hit. Combat is addicting and flashy, but has deeper elements like ordering your comrades to do an attack to keep that chain going. Each character has a different playstyle to explore as well.

There’s not much more to say, and I suggest if you have a Playstation or Xbox you check out the demo immediately. I am going to go pre-order this now.

I can’t wait to dive in and experience the entire adventure.
