Breath of Death VII: The Beginning

Have you ever heard of Zeboyd Games? Well you should! They’re an indie developer that focuses on jrpg style titles. Their games like to poke fun at jrpg tropes, while still being solid in their own right. I have already played Cosmic Star Heroine and you can read that review here

Breath of Death VII: The Beginning is a charming and witty game that can be finished in one day. If you’re looking for something to play between titles this is perfect! It takes about 5 hours to beat and only has minimal fluff. The game has a decent difficulty too, so it does feel rewarding to beat the final boss and the optional super boss.

The game takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where the undead are the only inhabitants. We have living skeletons, ghosts, vampires and zombies! The four main characters have funny interactions that you can experience with a party chat, similar to Dragon Quest. In fact the whole game feels very similar to the early titles. I enjoyed the writing and found myself chuckling allowed quite often.

The battle system is actually pretty fun, and extremely fast paced for a turn based game. At the end of each battle you get your HP fully restored, and a little MP restored as well. Even dead characters will revive at the end of the battle which is great. There is only one healing item, and it’s called potion. That revives, restores HP full and cures status ailments. 

Upon level ups you get to mold your characters stats and skills. I found that fun to decide “do I want a huge boost in one stat, or a little boost in all stats?” as well as “do I want to up the damage of this skill, or make it hit multi-targets.” It let me build my characters how I wanted to benefit the party as a whole.

It was a great way to spend my Monday morning, and I enjoyed playing one of Zeboyd’s earlier titles.
