2021 In Review

I played a TON of games in 2021. Holy moly. Lots of good stuff!

All of the in-depth reviews can be found on site here so I won’t bore you with a rehash of it all. Tales of Arise was my Game of the Year. Some surprises for me were Hades and the Ori games. Also a surprise, but in a bad way, was how much I did not like Super Mario Sunshine.

On an amazing note, the Final Fantasy 6 T-Edition hack finally made it’s english debut this year without the use use of LUA scripting.

I hit my 2021 goal of finishing all the mainline Dragon Quest games I hadn’t finished yet. Of those I had the most fun with Dragon Quest VI.

Looking forward to 2022 I have a few goals. I want to finish the remaining Ys games I haven’t beat, luckily it’s only the first two.  I want to utilize GamePass a little more. I also want to get into the Metroid series, starting with the original NES game and work my way up to Dread! Possibly work through more of the Tales of backlog. Can’t go wrong with any of that!


See you all in 2022!