Final Fantasy VII Remake – Yuffie Intermission DLC

Wow. Just… wow. What a crazy fun experience this was. 

First, the gameplay. It’s been a while since I finished the base game, but the battle system came back like riding a bike. There was also some added mechanics. “Synergize” was a new gimmick that allowed Yuffie and the new guest/partial playable character Sonon to team up and do combo attacks. There’s even a materia you can find that lets them do a special attack without any ATB charges. Anyways, it’s basically the same as the base game, which is great because the battle system is amazing. Materia and weapon systems are also exactly the same as the base game.

Graphics are off the charts. This is the second title I’ve played specifically designed for the PS5. It looks amazing. Hands down best graphics I’ve ever experienced in a video game. Music was matched perfectly with every scene.

Difficulty was fair and balanced. The final boss wasn’t a push-over either. It took me 4 times to emerge victorious.

The story weaves in and out of the base game’s story very well, and even has a couple overlapping characters. It also explores some new areas and introduces new characters from the expanded Final Fantasy VII universe that we have only seen in Crisis Core and Dirge of Cerebus until now. Also the post credits scenes have set up Part II perfectly. There’s also a surprise at the very last scene which makes a play through of this an absolute must.

There’s a new mini-game here called Fort Condor which was addicting and fun. I hope we see more of it in the future, but I also hope it doesn’t mean Fort Condor is no longer a location.

This little 10 hour treat gets me so much more hyped to play Part II of the remake. Do yourself a favor and play this. Now. Just don’t buy a PS5 of a scalper to do it.
