Beloved Rapture Demo

This is an RPG Maker 2k3 game? No way. The only reason I believe it is because I’ve worked with RM2k3 and recognize the RPG_RT.exe file you need to open to start up the game. The game opens up with this Secret of Mana-esque scrolling image with some text over it. The mood even gave me

Tales of Arise Demo

Wow. Just wow. This demo blew me away. I can hardly believe this is a Tales game. Typically Tales games are middle budget games, but this feels like a AAA title.  The demo is heavy on the gameplay, very light on the story. It’s also very short, about 1 hour.  First of all, it’s gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous.

Bright Blades 2021 Demo

I have a very meager Twitter following. Well, recently the indie developer @SamRowettGames asked me if I would take a look at their demo! I was very surprised, so of course I had to! Bright Blades is a cute and charming turn based strategy game that has a cast of strong female characters and an

Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin

I have never played a “souls-like” game before. With that said I immediately started a play through on the hardest difficulty. Why? I hate myself obviously.  The good:Gameplay is pretty good. You get punished for being sloppy even by freaking goblins. Combat was fun and addicting and when I died I wasn’t mad, but more

Project Triangle Strategy – Demo

Oh man. Believe me when I tell you how pumped I was when I saw this during the direct. Then it was announced that there was going to be a demo available right away. I pulled my Switch out of it’s dock and downloaded it as soon as the direct was over. At first I